Welcome to the world of computer-guided dental Implantology. One of the recent advancement in technology in the field of dental implant is the usage of 3D computer guided implant placement (CBCT) & replacement of missing tooth or teeth using CAD-CAM technique(ZIRCONIA Crown & Bridge). This Digital work-up and computer-assisted dental implant planning allows safe and precise placement of dental implants. . Using this approach, the entire surgical and teeth replacement treatment plans are designed BEFORE any procedures are performed on patients. The biggest benefit with the technique is minimum amount of surgery time, less time spent on the dental chair, and the maximum level of preplanning foresight. It can result in faster overall treatment time, less discomfort, and an outcome that pleases everyone. Let's look a little more closely at the benefits & the entire process of computer-guided implant technology — a procedure at the forefront of dental implant technology.